Raising Chickens - Poultry Coops and Things to Remember
Now that you have decided to raise
poultry imports in your backyard you have to know some important points. There are some important issues involved in raising chickens. You absolutely have to keep in mind that chickens are flock animals. Keep in mind that when dealing with these birds, space issues are a concern. The following points need to be considered before you take the plunge.
Reasons People Raise Chickens
Compared to family pets chickens are easier and cheaper to raise and maintain.
Fun & friendly pets with personality.
If you compost, chickens manufacture the worlds best fertilizer.
Free Range chicken eggs are great-tasting and fresher than store bought.
Chickens are a green form of pest and weed control.
Chickens-- Where to buy
In the spring most feed stores carry chicks or pullets.
You can purchase from an online retailer. I have had great success with the folks at Mcmurray hatchery. Find them online at Mcmurrayhatchery dot com.
Chicken care-- first 2 months
You need to have a brooder with Pine shavings covering the floor.
You must have a light in the box that keeps a temperature of 100 degrees the first week and then reduce the temperature by 5 to 10 degrees a week there after.

Buy a chick waterer and feeder and keep them up off the floor.
Socialize your chicks daily so they are used to being touched and handled. This is important so you can easily be handled through out their life.
Chicken care- Once the chicks have grown feathers
Have a chicken coop that gives plenty of room for each bird.
Inside the hutch each chicken needs at least 3 square feet of room.
Outside in the run each chicken needs at least 5 square feet of room.
Keep plenty of food and water available.
You can feed your chickens pretty much anything that you can eat. We give our chickens all of our table scraps. If you free range your birds they will scratch and eat every bug and weed seed they find. No poisons needed for pest control.
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Chickens are a delicacy to predators. Predators can and will strike day or night. You must take preventative measures to protect your poultry from being dispatched. Living in the city you will probably only have to worry about a few of them. Hawks are the most prevalent ones that come to mind. Hawks hunt from the air and will swoop down and carry a chicken away for a quick meal. Poultry netting or chicken wire is a must have item covering your run. Nighttime predators are the skunks and foxes. They will take a chicken any time the opportunity presents itself. This is another reason you will surround your run with chicken wire. Raising you chicken coop off the ground will prevent this from happening.